When Atari hit the shelves back in the 1970s, it revolutionized the world of video games — and it seemed like they would be a giant that endured through the ages. Then Nintendo came along and everything changed. Nintendo Games became instant classics that inspired more and better games year after year. Even Mario the Plumber, introduced all those years ago as a foil to that misunderstood simian Donkey Kong, has endured for decades. But what are the top ten Nintendo Games of all time? Opinions will differ, but here are our picks:
“The Legend of Zelda”
The original that spawned so many great sequels, the first “Zelda” was nothing special by today’s standards. But its RPG style and expansive world made it a huge early groundbreaker.
“Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past”
After the “Mario” games, the “Legend of Zelda” series is probably the most memorable of the Nintendo lineup. This entry is one of the best, as our elven hero Link engages with some of the coolest bosses and toughest challenges in this top-down scroller.
“Super Metroid”
The “Metroid” series and its heroine, Samus Aran, have achieved legendary status among gamers — and “Super Metroid” is one of the reasons why, with a non-linear world that offered ample opportunities for exploration.
“Super Mario Bros.”
“Donkey Kong” was Mario’s first appearance, but this is the game that rocketed him to fame. If you’ve played one home video game in your life, it’s probably this classic.
A simple concept designed for Nintendo’s Game Boy has exploded into a worldwide phenomenon, with cartoons, card games, books and many video games all dedicated to helping hopeful trainers “catch ‘em all.”
“Super Mario Bros. 3”
Much of the “Mario” mythology was established in this third entry in the “Mario” series, such as the Koopa Kids and the world map. It also gave us the chance to try on many new specials suits and get extra lives.
“Super Mario World”
The “Mario” hits just keep on coming! This SNES game delighted “Mario” fans when it came out, with cool new worlds, allies and moves that took the famous plumber to the next level.
“Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time”
“A Link to the Past” is great, but “Ocarina of Time” takes the “Zelda” franchise to the next level with a vast, 3D world that has influenced many modern and expansive game environments.
“Super Mario 64”
The ultimate evolution of the “Mario Bros.” series, this entry for the N64 had breathtaking worlds, a neat story and provided hours of engaging gameplay.
Probably most famous for its last-scene reveal that the protagonist, Samus Aran, was a woman, this game was a trailblazer in many more ways than busting gender stereotypes. With a feel like “Mario” plus “Legend of Zelda” in space, this platformer may be considered one of the first open-world games.
Stop by Record Head in West Allis to Get Your Favorite Nintendo Game
If this walk through Nintendo’s greats has sent you down memory lane, indulge your inner gamer by coming down to Record Head at 7045 West Greenfield Avenue in West Allis, WI, and check out some of the vintage video games we have on sale today.