10 Best Keyboardists of All Time

Mastering an instrument takes years of practice and dedication to the instrument. To become truly great, you need to spend a lot of time making the basics second-nature so you can take on harder and harder skills. There are lots of amazing piano players out there. But who are some of the best keyboardists? We’ve […]
Read MoreRookie Mistakes to Avoid When Collecting Records

Whether you’re just getting into the hobby or have been doing it for many years, you should know that anyone is likely to make mistakes while collecting. To help you avoid some of these situations, here are a few examples of what not to do when collecting records. Shop Records Online Improper Care One of […]
Read MoreHow Music Can Increase Productivity

Music is increasingly becoming a part of our day-to-day lives. Recent technologies have given us even greater access to music everywhere we are. With its greater presence in our lives, music might be affecting how we work and how much we get done, and it’s crucial to understand how. Music and productivity research shows that […]
Read MoreTop 10 Front Men of All Time

The guys up front. Sometimes they carry the band, sometimes the band carries them, but they always represent what the band is all about. The front men are the faces of the band — the first name everyone knows. It can mean eternal glory or shame, depending on the band’s fortunes. Here are ten of […]
Read MoreThe Best Songs From the 2017 Summerfest Artists

Who wouldn’t love almost two weeks of nonstop music? That’s what we’ll get at 2017 Summerfest in Milwaukee. How can you make the most of your experience, whether you come for the whole June 28 to July 9 event or just for a day? We highly recommend getting a quick education on the headliners. Sure, […]
Read MoreBreaking Badfinger

It was the fall of 2013, the finale of the epic show Breaking Bad had just aired, when I always had customers coming up to me asking “Who does that “Baby Blue” song at the end of the show when Walt (Bryan Cranston) died?” I would always have to tell the customer that it was […]
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