
Trade-in Your Items to Maximize Value

If you’re looking to get rid of your old records, CDs, video games, and other media, Record Head is your place. We pride ourselves on offering the highest and most competitive trade value in Milwaukee for your items. Not only that, but we offer more for your trade than for cash pay. You can utilize this extra value to shop our extensive inventory of perfectly priced video games, stereos, instruments, and multi-media items.

Bring your media to our store on West Greenfield Avenue to trade-up for your next favorite item.

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If you’re wondering where to trade records, video games, and other media in Milwaukee, Record Head has a solution for you. Highest trade value, you get more for your trade than for cash pay more than other stores. Record Head in West Allis is the best place to trade in used media. Visit our store for competitive trade-in returns on products like: 

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Online Shops

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Why Trade?

Do you have old instruments, sound systems or memorabilia lying around the house collecting dust? Trading with Record Head is a great way to turn clutter into cash. There are plenty of ways to benefit from a trade-in, and Record Head makes the process easy. Trade video games, old CDs, and more to: 

  • Upgrade for less: At Record Head, we carry as much modern technology as we do vintage. Come to our shop to trade your old video game console, CD player, guitar amp or another product for a newer edition at a discounted rate. 
  • Try something new: Records, instruments, and video game fans love coming to our store to exchange their old games for new ones. As a result, our inventory is full of a rotating list of bestsellers and cult classics. Trade with us to fall in love with something you’ve never seen, heard, or played before. 
  • Preserve the culture: If you love cool retro media, participating in the trade-in economy will keep them alive and in circulation. Bring your old items to our store to trade them in and pass the joy onto a new owner.

Our Trade-In Process

At Record Head, we make it easy to get a fair exchange rate for your used media. To get started, bring your records, instruments, MP3 players or any other qualifying products into our store for an appraisal from our experienced staff. We’ll give an accurate analysis of your product’s value and credit the price toward your purchase.

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Getting the Most for Your Trade-In

Record Head values certain characteristics in the media we accept for trades. To receive the best return, it’s important to understand what you have and how to keep it in the most valuable shape. Our knowledgeable staff is happy to answer any questions about your trade-in items, but be sure to research the market for your products. 

For video games, CDs and records, we place the highest value on well-maintained copies with their original packaging and artwork. Rare media and limited-edition pressings are the most valuable. When trading consoles, sound systems and turntables, you’ll get the most for products in good cosmetic condition that come with all necessary cables. 

Trade With Record Head

Ready to get started? Visit our store at 7045 W. Greenfield Avenue, West Allis, Wisconsin, to discuss what you want to trade with our friendly staff. For more information, give us a call at (414) 453-3900 or reach out online today!

Store Hours

  • Sunday: 9:30am -6pm
  • Monday – Thursdays: 9:30am -7pm
  • Fridays: Summer 9:30am -6pm  •  Winter 9:30am -4pm
  • Saturday: CLOSED

Our Location

  • Record Head: 7045 W Greenfield Ave, West Allis, Wl 53214
  • Phone: (414) 453-3900
  • Follow Us:
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